Solving Portswigger Academy: Web shell upload via extension blacklist bypass
In this lab we need to exploit the file upload issue and read the contents of secret file Carlos’ home directory.
Access the lab and login with the provided credentials.You will notice the file upload functionality.
Let’s try to upload the php file.It says Forbidden, we are not allowed to upload the php file.

When I changed the extension to php5 it got uploaded.

But when we sent GET request to the file, it is not executed.To solve this issue, let’s check if we can upload the apache2.conf file with the contents:
LoadModule php_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php5
Able to upload the .conf file.

Now lets re-upload the php5 file.But again it did not work. Let’s upload the .htaccess file with below contents which allow php5 exetnsion execution
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php5

Let’s re-upload the php5 file and see if server executes it.

Now we need to upload the php code that read the secret file.

Able to read the contents of the file.