Solving Portswigger Academy:Username enumeration via different responses
In this write up we are going to solve the lab where we need to first enumerate the user based on responses and then brute force the password.
When we visit the lab we see below page.

Click on my account and we will see the page where we need to add username and password.

In the starting of the lab we are provided with the list of potential username and password.
First I used some random username and password and clicked on Log in. Then sent that request to the burp intruder.

In Intruder, select the username and click on ‘Add’ button, this will tell the intruder which parameter to fuzz with the username. In Payloads tab, select payload type as Simple List and paste the username list provided by the lab.

Start the attack by clicking the Start Attack. In Results tab we see Status Code as 200 for all the requests but if you arrange the Length of responses you will notice for one username the length is different.

For valid user, the application responded with Incorrect password message in response. This way we got the valid username now we need to bruteforce the password for the user.
The process for intruder will remain same. This time we provide the username we found and brute force the password.

Now filter the results depending on Status Code which is 302 in this case.

Solve the challenge.
If we analyze why this application is vulnerable:
- The application returned the different message in response for valid user. Application should return generic message saying incorrect credentials or invalid username or password.
- There is no rate limit set for both for username and password.
If you don’t have Burp Pro, you can use ffuf. I copied the request in a file. Mention the word FUZZ which you want to brute force.

Command used:
ffuf -request /tmp/username_enumeration -w /tmp/username_list -fs 3140
- request: this is the request we copied and want to fuzz
- -w: word list of potential usernames
- -fs: filter responses on size.

Similarly we can brut force the password. In Username add the user we discovered and FUZZ in front of password.

Hope you like the write-up see you soon.